
As an umbrella organization, ASU oversees seven subgroups that focus on specific Asian-American identities. These subgroups include Asian Outlook, Binghamton University Japanese Association, Chinese American Student Union, Korean American Student Association, Philippine American League, Taiwanese American Student Coalition, and Vietnamese Student Association. To learn more about each subgroup and what they do, see below.

Asian Outlook

Asian Outlook is the art, literary and news magazine of the Asian Student Union, at the State University of New York at Binghamton. Conceived in 1988 and designed to challenge and re-conceptualize forms of awareness of Asians and Asian-Americans, it serves to protect the voice of those in the minority, whether by ethnicity, gender, sexual or political orientation.

BU Japanese Association

BUJA is a student-run organization founded by Yumiko Yamamoto and Toshiko Furuta in 1993. BUJA aims to preserve the identity, heritage, customs, and philosophies of previous generations of Japanese communities, and to facilitate relationships between native Japanese/Japanese Americans and those interested in Japanese culture.

Chinese American Student Union

CASU is a student-run organization that serves as an educational and social voice for the Chinese-American community on campus. Through cultural and social events, CASU members can unite and share common interests on local, national, or international issues pertaining to Chinese/Chinese-American culture.

Korean American Student Association

KASA is a Korean-interest cultural organization built on the foundation of maintaining and fostering different aspects of Korean American tradition and identity. Established in 1981, KASA’s goal is to open a circle of thorough communication and empowering unity on our campus and surrounding communities.

Philippine American League

The Philippine-American League is a student-run organization that spreads and informs the Binghamton community of Filipino culture. Founded in 1989, PAL comprises of all different ethnic backgrounds, all of whom share common goals of raising awareness, educating, and sharing Filipino culture with other students.

Taiwanese American Student Coalition

TASC is an organization that promotes the spread of Taiwanese culture to the public. Founded in 1994, it aims to provide a support group, to facilitate the defining of one’s Taiwanese American identity and to afford an opportunity to actively address the issues and concerns of Taiwanese and Taiwanese American students.

Vietnamese Student Association

VSA is a student organization that aims to promote Vietnam and Vietnamese Culture to the members of the Binghamton community. Founded in 1993, VSA works together as a family to address issues related to the Vietnamese community, organize cultural and social events, and continuously support our members in both academic and social aspects.

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